l'Acadie Historic Heritage - Refuge in Louisiana
1) Acadian (French Neutral) Exiles in Maryland
Although the British did state the intent of keeping Acadian families together, many of the ships sent to the English Colonies, especially to Virginia, were refused anchor and sent to various places in an effort to seperate the Acadians and Acadian families. This was done by means of a strategic British effort to prevent the Acadians from the possibility of reforming their cohesive culture. Many Acadians ended up in other destinations besides the ones that were intended. Many who wound up in England were held prisioner until the official end of the Deportation attempts.
Approximately 900 Acadians, including members of our Mélançon / Melanson line who were shipped to the Acadian Coast in 1765 & 1766, were originally exiled and deported to Maryland. Maryland had a dominant Catholic population and was named after Queen Mary, a Catholic Queen. The population in Maryland showed concern and indness to the Acadians (known in the English Colonies as the French Neutrals). The Maryland population allowed and supported their population of Acadian French Neutrals to hold jobs, cultivate land, maintain their culture and live in community, and supported their strong enduring faith by allowing them to build churches.
In 1756 many French neutrals, forcibly deprived of their property in Nova Scotia, or Acadia, reached Baltimore. Some were received into private homes and others were quartered in Mr. Fotterall's deserted house. At first they were supported by public levies authorized by law, but afterward supported themselves and were assimilated into the community.
The first Roman Catholics in the Town had consisted principally of the French Acadians who arrived in 1756 and were sheltered in Mr. Fot terall's deserted house, and occasionally mass was celebrated here.
source: BALTIMORE: ITS HISTORY AND ITS PEOPLE; BY VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS; CLAYTON COLMAN HALL, LL.B., A.M. GENERAL EDITOR; VOLUME I HISTORY; LEWIS HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY; NEW YORK CHICAGO; 1912Although some of the Acadian French Neutrals who were exiled here stayed in Maryland, most where among the first Acadian families to settle in Louisiana Acadian Coast in St. Jacques de Cabohannoce Parish during the 1765 & 1766 migration to Louisiana.
Michel David, David Genevieve, his wife, Anne David, Michel David, Joseph David, Mary David, Paul David, David jean, claude david, david Magdelaine ........................ 10
Déchamp Louis, Dechamp married his wife, Marie Déchamp ...................... 3
Osite forest widow, marie forest ............................. 2
Alexandre Melanson, Melanson Osite, His wife, Jean Melanson, Melanson Magdelaine, Jacque Melanson Joseph Melanson, Etienne Melanson, Paul Melanson ..................... 8
Pierre Granger, Granger frausine His wife, Anne Granger, Mary Granger, Joseph Granger, Jean-Baptiste Grange, Pierre Granger, Granger claude .................... 8
françois. Inca, anne lucas His wife, Rose Lucas, marie lucas, lucas Margueritte ....................... 5
Margueritte Melanson widow Magdelaine Melanson Elizabeth Melanson, Melanson Margueritte .................... 4
Veuve Magdelaine Melanson, honoré Melanson, Melanson charle, marie Melanson Elizabeth Melanson 5
Pierre Leblanc, Osita leblanc's wife, isaac leblanc, zonal Leblanc ........................ 4
Paul Melanson, Melanson married his wife, Marie Magdelaine Melanson, Jean Melanson Anne Melanson Paul Melanson .............................. 6
Joseph Melanson Anne Melanson, Melanson olivier ............................ 3
Douliard stone, widowed, married josette douliard, Margueritte Pouliard .......................... 3
Charter tibodot, widowed, Cecie Tibodot, anne tibodot, stone tibodot; osit tibodot, Magdelaine tibodot, jean baptiste tibodot ................. 7
Total 68
charle Braux, clear Braux his wife, Marie Braux, Margueritte Braux, elizabeth Braux, anne Braux, Magdelaine Braux, stone Braux, young orphan Anne .................... ........ 9
charle Commost widower, anne Commost, charle Commost, firmin Commost ....................... 4
Joseph Babin, Babin Rosalita His wife, Joseph Babin ............................ 3
honoré Trahan Marie Trahan his wife, Marie Trahan, Pierre Trahan, people orphan, orphan jeunne the joseph antoine
Young ........................... 6
gaidris joseph, marie benoist gaidris, his wife, gabriel gaidris, joseph gaidris, genevieve gaidris ...................... 5
Louis lati, lati His wife Anne, antoine Latia, Anne Benoist orphan; pink benoist orphan, orphan margeritte Benoist ..................... 6
antoine Braux, Margueritte Braux His wife, joseph Braux, charle Braux, perpétue Braux, Scholastica Braux ................. 6
John Broussard, Broussard's wife Anne, firmin broussard, Magdelaine Broussard, Jean Broussard .................... 5
antoine Babin Catherine Babin His wife, François Babin, firmin Babin Charles Babin, Babin clear, pink Babin Anne Babin, Babin married ...................... 9 .....
Gaidris jean, anne Gaidris His wife, firmin Gaidris, Magdelaine Gaidris, jean Gaidris, monique Gaidris ................. 6
Braux jean, marie Braux His wife, michel Braux, Margueritte Braux awarded orphan Boudraux .................... 5
jean Braux, Osita Braux his wife, Pelagie Braux .. .................... 3
Widow Anne Dupuis, Marie Dupuis, Margueritte Dupuis, Monique Dupuis, Pierre Dupuis .................... 5
Braux joseph, marie josette Braux His wife, joseph marie Braux, Margueritte Braux, married Rose grille ............... 3
Pierre Richard widow, Anne Marie Richard .......................... 2
Jean Dupuis, Dupuis His wife Anne, firmin Dupuis Marie Dupuis ....................... 4
alexis commost, Margueritte commost, his wife, joseph commost, Margueritte commost, etienne commost, stone commost .......................... 6
Marie Babin widow, Jean Babin, Babin ignace, Marie Babin ............................. 4
olivier Benoist Benoist His wife Susanne, Jean Benoist, Margueritte Benoist Marie Benoist ........................ 5
Anne Benoist orphan, orphan natalis Benoist ................................. 2
olivier Babin orphan, orphan marries Babin Joseph Babin orphan, orphan Anne Babin .............................. 4
amand Richard, Richard married his wife ................................... 2
joseph landry, marie landry His wife, anne landry Magdelaine, augustin landry, genevieve landry, cecile landry, Alexandre Landry, Pierre Landry, Magdelaine landry ..................... ... 9
Margueritte Braux widow, married Braux, stone Braux .......................... 3
Mathurin Landry, his wife Marie Landry, Landry Ludibine ............ 3
elizabeth Braux widow, Margueritte Braux,, paul Braux ...................... 3
Margueritte Braux widow, Jean Braux, Margueritte Braux, Josette Braux, pink Braux ............................ 5
marguerite cloatre widow, louis cloatre, stone cloatre joseph, marie cloatre, anne clatre, marthe cloatre .................. 6
honoré Braux, Magdelaine Braux, His wife, madgelaine Braux, marie Braux, Margueritte Braux, Blaise the young orphan ................. 6
alexis Braux, Magdelaine Braux, his wife, honored Braux, Joseph Braux, charle Braux, marie Braux, Anastasie Braux,
Bibiena orphan Braux ..................... 8
cloatre george, cecile cloatre His wife, joseph cloatre, Magdelaine cloatre, joseph Braux orphaned .................. 5
michel Poupard Poupard cecile His wife, the orphan January ...................... 3
Total 157
Charles Dupuis, Elizabeth his wife, Bte Dupuis, Joseph Dupuis. ..................... 4
Joseph Melanson, Margte his wife, Marie Melanson Anne Melanson, Bte Melanson, Melanson Magdne, Marie Josephe Melanson, Melanson Margte, Rose Melanson, Genevieve Melanson, Pierre Melanson ................ ...... 11
Stephen Landry, Landry Margte his wife Margte Landry, Mary Landry, Joseph Landry ....................... 5
The widow Bel'hisle, stone Bel'hisle, Marie Rose Bel'hisle ................................ 3
Anselme Bel'hisle, Likes His Wife ........................ 2
Joseph Melanson, Annastazie His Wife ........................ 2
Widow Manja, Manja Anselme his son, and his wife Rose .................... 3
Charles Celestin, Anne his wife, Marie Celestin, Cyprien Dupuid And Charles Dupuid, Children .................. 5
Pierre Celestin, françoise His Bride, Magdne Celestin, Celestine Margte, Pierre Celestin .................. 5
Joseph Celestin, Marie his wife, Celestine Bte, Joseph Celestin ................. 4
honnors Célestin, Antoine Celestin, Magdne Celestin, Celestin Annastazie ...................... 4
Joseph Thurin 1
Widow Germain Hebert, Hebert Magdne, Bte Hebert ........................ 3
Jean Sapin, His Wife Margte .................. 2
Joseph LeBlanc, his wife Marie, Anne and Le Blanc Magdne .................... 4
Joseph le Blanc Le Jeune, Marie his wife, Marie Magdne LeBlanc, Joseph Le Blanc ...................... 4
Pierre Braux, Margte His wife, Marie Braux ............... 3
Widow Meunier Claire Meunier And Margte, Paul & Mathurin Meunier, vital & Marie Monique Meunier ............. 7
Baud-Gonsault, his wife Claire ...................... 2
Paillottet Joseph And His Wife Margte ...................... 2
Sixte Chamali 1
Total of Septente seven people and 77
Dated this (sic) in July 1763.
Marked Nicolas françois after Total 1
pierre Babin, magdelaine Babin Son epouse, paul Babin, Ludivine Babin .....................4
etienne Rivette, veuf, etienne Rivette, françois Rivette,. jean Rivette, pierre Rivette, theodore Rivette .....................6
augustin Landry, marie Landry Son épouse, joseph Landry, joseph ignace Landry, marie Landry, mathurin Landry, margueritte Landry ...........................7
Bonaventure foray, claire foray Son epouse, margueritte foray, marie foray, magdelaine foray, Sofphie foray, joseph Boudreau orphelin............................7
claude Broussard, marie Broussard Son epouse .....................2
marie Richard veuve, Simon Richard, paul richard .....................3
Basile landry, brigite Landry Son epouse, marie landry, marie Babin orpheline ......................4
joseph landry, magdelaine Landry Son epouse, joseph landry, Simon Landry, margueritte Babin, orpheline ....................5
jean foray, margueritte foray Son epouse, margueritte prince orpheline ................................3
michel maxime Rivette, orphelin, anne rivette, orpheline, Sirille Rivette orpheline, Blaise Rivette orphelin, pélagie Rivette
orpheline ........................5
joseph Babin, veuf, elizabeth Babin, etienne Babin, prien Babin .....................4
Dique Landre, theotiste Landre Son epouse .....................2
joseph castille, osite castille Son epouse, Lamarthe castille, paul Brausard, orphelin, marguerite Brausard orphelin ....................5
marie Brasseu ..............1
Total of those in Top Marlborough 58
Jacques Le Blanc, his wife Catherine Joseth Silvin & Le Blanc, Paul And Margte Le Blanc, Le Blanc ozith ................ 7
Francois Landry, Charles Landry, and Georges Jacques Landry, and Joseph Landry Pélagie ..................... 6
Bigeos Etienne, his wife Brigitte, Bigeos Mathurin, Pierre and Marie Bigeos, Magdne Bigeos, widow Marie Bresseau ............ 7
Joseph Landry, Marie Josepth his wife, Susanne Godin, Marie Landry, Joseph Landry, Landry Magdne, Margte And Gertrude Landry ............... 8
Bte Braux, Rose His Wife, And Margte Magden Braux, Jean and Anne Braux, lover and Braux City, Marie Braux ............. 8
Jean Landry, ursule his wife, Elizabeth Landry, Joseph and Marie Landry, Le Blanc Bte .............. 6
Joseph Bigeos, Anne Bigeos His EPOS Margte And Augustine Bigeos, perpetuet Bigeos, Anne Bigeos ............ 6
Pierre Le Blanc, Le Blanc Anne his wife, Rose Simon Le Blanc, Le Blanc Ludivine ........... 4
firmin Landry, his wife Elizabeth, Joseph Saturin And Landry, Landry Eleine And Magdne ........... 5
Marie Babein Widow, Charles Babain, Eufrême And Mary Josepth Babin and Brigitte Anne Babin Anne Babin widow, Joseph
And Jacques Babin, Babin Margte ................. 10
Olivier Babin, Marie Landry widow, Anne And Elizabeth Landry Genevieve Landry Margte And ........... 6
Ursula Babin widow, Mary and Joseph Babin Anne Babin Margte And .......... 5
René Landry, Mary His Wife, And Margte Marin Landry, congratulations and Olive Landry, Joseph Landry And firmin .......... 8
Alexandre Douairon, Anne his wife, Agathe Douairon and Andrew, Elizabeth and Anne Douairon, peeling and veronique Douairon and a child ............. 9
Desiré Le Blanc, Mary his wife, Magdne And Isaac Le Blanc, Marie and Jerome Le Blanc, Désiré Le Blanc, Elizabeth and
Anne Le Blanc, ozith And Benjamin Le Blanc, Anselme LeBlanc ............... 12
Simon Le Blanc, his wife Marie Joseph, Paul Le Blanc ............... 3
Pierre Landry, Elizabth his Wife, Joseph Landry, Anne Landry, Pierre Landry and Sophie ........... 6
Marie Landry, widow fabien And Pelagie Landry ............ 3
Marie Landry Charles Landry's widow Marie and Anne Landry, Landry Lover ............... 4
Francois Landry, his wife Margte ............... 2
Clémansau Jean and his wife, Joseph Clémansau, Clémansau Mary, John and Rose Clémansau, Magdne and Thereza Clemensau, Bte Clemansau ................. 9
Joseph Landry The deaf ................. 1
françois Anne Simonetti and his wife, Joseph Simonet, René Simonet, Jacques Simonet ......... 5
Jean Landry, Landry Margte, hyacinth and Anne Landry, Landry Magdne, Rose And John Landry ........... 7
The widow Magdne Grangé .............. 2
Pierre and Elizabeth Landry, Athanas & Germain Landry, Anne Marie Landry And ............. 6
Pierre Landry, his wife Genevieve, and Jean Landry ozith, olive and firmin Landry ............. 6
Abraham Landry Margte his wife, Stephen and Simon Landry Nathalie Landry Anasthazie And Mary And Margte Landry, Pierre Landry and Elizabeth, Joseph and Magdne .............. 3 Landry
Germain Babin, Amant Babin, Babin Margte And Magdne, Mary and Anne Babin ............ 5
total is 169
Marque + de olivier Blanc, the white daisy my wife, friend Joseph White White White marthe the daisy
White ................ 7
Jean Le Blanc, Judith landry my wife, Jean Baptiste le Blanc, Joseph Le Blanc, Simon Le Blanc, Marie Le Blanc ............. 6
mark + stone Poirrier, Marie Joseph melloncont my wife, Marguerite White, Simon White varize .......... 4
+ Amanda brand mellancont, my wife Anne Rabin, mellancont joseph, anne mellancont, marguerite mellancont ........ 5
joseph mark over the white marks over Anriette duy 2 ..........
+ mark of François Landry, the white daisy my wife, Marie le Blanc .............. 3
mark + stone aling, Catherine eberd my wife, Jean Baptiste aling, aling daisy, Simon aling .............. 5
+ brand Etienne Landry, Joseph Landry husband-my wife, Anastasia 3 ................. Landry
rené Blanchard, marguerite theriaux my wife françoise Blanchard blanchard Magdelaine .......... 4
Enselme Blanchard, Esther White ................ wife 2
anne + mark of white Enselme Landry, Paul Landry, Firmin Landry Jean Landry, Marguerite landry, anne landry .............. 7
+ mark of Paul Le Blanc, Rose White, the white stone ..................... 3
+ Bonnaventure mark of the White thériaux married my wife, Joseph Le Blanc, Anne Le Blanc, Magdelaine White, Esther White, joseph Dilhond ................. 7
mark + stone forrest, my wife Marguerite Blanchard, stone forest ............ 3
mark + Joseph Blanchard, husband joseph landry, firmin Blanchard, ox-eye daisy (sic )............ 4
+ mark joseph betrayed husband, Elisabeth White, Daisy White, Joseph White ................ 4
joseph mark over the white, Enselme le Blanc, the white daisy, orphan ........................ 3
mark + Francois Eberd, married my wife the White .................... 2
mark over theotiste Doiront, Simon Le Blanc, mark over françoise aling ..................... 3
Total, 77.
Page Sources:
Maryland Historical Magazine Vol III #1 March 1908 - The Acadians (French Neutrals) Transported to Maryland - Basil Sollers
Naomi E.S. Griffiths - "THE ACADIAN DEPORTATION: Deliberate Perfidy or Cruel Necessity" - p. 143 [quoting a manuscript account of Brown compiled in 1760's]
Gregory A. Wood - THE FRENCH PRESENCE IN MARYLAND - 1524-1800 - p. 65-66
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