Part 1: Beautiful Homeland - l'Acadie

Chapter 1: History of Nova Scotia - Acadiens in New France (l'Acadie, Nova Scotia)


1) 1603 - French l'Acadie
2) The French and Indian Wars
3) 1654 - British Attack on French l'Acadie (Cromwell)
4) 1667 - Treaty of Breda (French Control until 1713)
5) 1680 - A Group of Acadiens leave Port Royal and settle the Minas Basin area and found St. Charles aux Mines, Grand-Pré, Minas Basin
6) 1702-13 Queen Anne's War
7) 1713-40 Twenty Three Years of Peace
8) 1740-48 King George’s War
9) 1750 - 1754 Tensions build that lead to the French and Indian War
10) 1753 - Charles Lawrence becomes Lieutenant Governor
11) Principle Acadian Districts 1755

Chapter 2: Acadian Family Surnames


1) Acadian Surnames from the Census of 1671
2) Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755
3) Acadian Surnames - Louisiana

Chapter 3: History of Grand-Pré, St. Charles aux Mines, l'Acadie


1) Grand-Pré's Historical Significance
2) The Founding of Grand-Pré
3) The Scene at Grand-Pré during Le Grand Dérangement
4) Winslow's List of Grand-Pré Prisoners

Part 2: Exile of the Acadian French Neutrals - Britain's Attempt at Cultural Genocide

Chapter 4: Acadian French Neutral Expulsion Die is Cast as Tensions Build During Conflicts Leading to the French and Indian War


1) The fourth and final French and Indian War
2) Acadians found at Fort Beauséjour when it Capitulated to the British
3) Governor Charles Lawrence's Carpe Diem: Die is Cast for Acadian Ethnic Cleansing
4) Description from "Société Promotion Grand-Pré": the Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada Website

Chapter 5: The British Order the Acadian Deportation


1) Governor Charles Lawrence's expulsion orders
2) Lieutenant Colonel John Winslow Orders Sept 5 Meeting at Grand-Pre Church
3) Winslow Announces Commencement of Deportation at Grande Pre Church

Chapter 6: Le Grand Dérangement


1) Le Grand Dérangement
2) Notes on Ship Arrivals in the New England Colonies
3) Acadian Deportation Convoy Ships & Destination Map

Chapter 7: Voyage - The British Convoy


1) Deportation Routes Map
2) 1755 November 18 Earthquake - Deportation Ships Lost at Sea
3) Winslow's Ship Departure Report
4) Destinations and Arrivals of the Acadian Deportation Convoy: Chart Listed by Ship
5) Death at Sea - The Transports Duke William, Violet and Ruby sink crossing the Atlantic

Chapter 8: French Neutrals - Not Welcome in the British Colonies


1) Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF THE COLONY OF VIRGINIA, 1751-1758
2) Maryland Gazelle, February 10,1757

Chapter 9: The French Neutrals - Exiled



1) Acadian (French Neutral) Exiles in Maryland
2) Census of the French Neutrals who are now in Maryland - 7 July 1763

Part 3: Out of Exile - Acadians find refuge in the French/Spanish Louisiana territory.

Chapter 10: Acadian Migration to South Louisiana


1) Acadian Arrival in Louisiana
2) Louisiane Acadian Settlement Regions
3) St. Jacques de Cabahannoce - Côte aux Acadiens Region
4) Attakapas Region

Chapter 11: 1768 Rebellion


1) Spanish Controlled Louisiane - Rebellion of 1768

Chapter 12: First Côte de Acadiens Communities

(First Acadian Coast - Present Day St. James Parish)


1) First Acadian Communities in Louisiane
2) St. Jacques de Cabahannoce Church - Est. 1750/1757
3) St. Jacques de Cabahannoce Church and Cemetery Original Grounds
4) St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Est. 1767
5) St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church - Est. 1809

Chapter 13: First Acadian Coast Cemeteries

(First Acadian Coast - Present Day St. James Parish)


St. James Catholic Church Cemetery - Est. 1750/1757
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Cemetery - Est. 1809

Chapter 14 Second Acadian Coast - Present Day Acension, Assumption and Lafourche Parishes


5) Transport Ships of 1785 from France to Louisiana

Part 4: Post Acadian Exile Louisiana territory.

Chapter 14: 1803 Louisiana Purchase


Chapter 15: 1812 Louisiana Statehood


Chapter 16: Louisiana Secedes from the Union and becomes the 6th original state of the Confederate States of America


1) Louisiana Secedes from Union - January 29, 1861
2) Symbols and Flags of Louisiana and the Confederate States of America
3) Secession Order of the Confederate States of America
4) Famous Quotes on the Confederacy

Chapter 17: Defending Louisiane Against Union Invasion


1) Civil War Battles and Skirmishes breakdown by State
2) Campaigns in Louisiana
3) South Louisiane Battles with the Union Army - Links
4) Battles fought in the South Louisiane Acadian Region
5) South Louisiane Battlefields - Page 2
6) South Louisiane Battlefields - Page 3

Chapter 18: The Acadian and German Coasts


1) The German Coast - (Present Day St. Charles Parish)

Chapter 19: Mélançon / Melanson Pioneers of Acadien / Acadian Culture


1) Beginnings in La Rochelle, France
2) So, what's the significance of fleeing the 1627 Siege of La Rochelle?
3) Migration to l'Acadie, Nova Scotia
4) Mélançon vs. Melanson

Research Sources and Links

1) Research Links
2) Research Sources